The Sandwich Generation

Though I’m not sure I welcome the picture of myself as a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich oozing Velveeta cheese …I appreciate Career Diva’s post Working Women are like Philly Cheesesteaks on the sandwich generation and its impact on women’s careers in particular.
I watched my own mother take her first step into the workforce after we left home, only to watch her leave it weeks later to help care for her father long distance.
I see it in my own path – as my daughter grows up I have a bit more room for my career, only to enter that zone where both sets of grandparents do or will need more help.
Caring for others and being cared for is a part of every human being’s life. While at one time society could simply assume women would take on that task, both equality and economics now require us to share that responsibility and make room in our workplaces for that responsibility.
- Making caring visible. Don’t avoid talking about caregiving responsibilities at work. Do what you can to encourage conversation and awareness of the reality that many workers have a variety of caregiving responsibilities.
- Make caring shared. Women tend to take on caring for parents and in-laws themselves. Share the care – with your spouse, with siblings, with friends, with paid caregivers. Don’t fall into the “I have to do it all myself” trap.