Mom’s Pressure Cooker

Read this Star Tribune article mentioning me and my new book, This Is Not How I Thought It Would Be: Remodeling Motherhood to Get the Lives We Want Today. Journalist Julie Pfitzinger writes:
When her daughter Kate was 5 years old, Kristin Maschka experienced an epiphany courtesy of a toaster waffle. Rushing to get ready for work, she asked her husband, David, to fix a waffle for Kate, which he did, causing his preschooler to burst into tears and his wife to start scolding.
“I told him she would never eat a waffle like that because it was crunchy from the toaster and I always put them in the microwave,” said Maschka, author of “This Is Not How I Thought It Would Be: Remodeling Motherhood to Get the Lives We Want Today.”